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30 August 2022
Over the Farm Gate
Market Commentary

Wet winter slowing North Island sales

Values holding firm, though tallies reduced for cattle and hoggets

Winter weather has impacted North Island livestock tallies, with a noticeable reduction of the flow of stock into saleyards.

Solid processor schedules continue to underpin the strong market for cattle and hoggets. When hoggets are offered they have sold well. However, a combination of different weather-related issues has reduced tallies. These factors include shearing delays, general stock condition and some trucking issues where road closures and slips in various districts have hampered capacity to transport stock.

Close to profit ewes are also showing solid returns when offered for sale.

While the weather has been challenging, and some parts of the country have a long way to go before they return to the positive side of the ledger, elsewhere the high water table is setting up the right conditions for a profitable spring. Prolonged sunshine should dry things out and promote the spring flush. In those districts at least, a profitable season ahead should help make up for the trying winter.

Matt Langtry, PGG Wrightson North Island Livestock Manager

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