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17 July 2023
Company News

Unveiling the World of Wool to Agri Venture Students: A Journey of Learning and Inspiration

We recently had the opportunity to host the Agri Ventures team at our Christchurch Wool Store, and what a morning it was! This dynamic group of year 12 students, hailing from different parts of the country, embarked on an adventure to discover the wonders of the wool industry, explore career opportunities, and dive into the challenges and innovations shaping the Agri-food/Agribusiness sectors.

As the students arrived Christchurch Wool Store, they were greeted by the unique smell of the natural fibres. We explored the wool supply chain, unravelling the journey from farm to market. From shearing and sorting to processing, scouring and wool auctions, the students gained firsthand insights into the craftsmanship that goes into both farming wool and producing high-quality wool products. 


One of the highlights of the day was exploring the remarkable benefits of wool as a fibre. Through interactive displays and engaging discussions, the students discovered the unique properties that make wool a sought-after material. From its excellent insulation capabilities to its natural resistance to moisture and fire, wool proved itself as a sustainable and versatile choice for various applications. The students were interested to learn how wool plays a crucial role in promoting eco-friendly practices and reducing the carbon footprint of the textile industry. Even learning that the approximately 56,000 tennis balls used at Wimbledon are all made from NZ Wool!

No industry is without its challenges, and the wool market is no exception. The students were introduced to the obstacles and opportunities faced by wool producers and manufacturers. They gained insights into market fluctuations, changing consumer preferences, and the need for sustainable practices. However, they also learned about the remarkable innovations and research happening around the world that are driving the industry forward. Discovering new technologies and revolutionary products made from wool opened their eyes to the limitless possibilities and potential within the market.


One of the primary goals of the Agri Ventures program, facilitated by Lincoln University, is to expose students to the vast array of career opportunities within the Agri-food/Agribusiness sectors. As part of their visit to our Christchurch Wool Store, the students also had the chance to learn about our export arm, Bloch & Behrens. They gained insights into the exciting world of international trade, understanding how our company plays a vital role in connecting wool producers with global markets. It was an eye-opening experience that showcased the diverse and rewarding careers available in this industry.

Hosting the Agri Ventures team at our Christchurch Wool Store was fantastic opportunity for all involved. By partnering with Lincoln University and showcasing our industry, we were able to demonstrate the vast career opportunities available within the Agri-food/Agribusiness sectors.

We believe that by inspiring and nurturing the passion of these future Agri superstars, we are contributing to the growth and sustainability of the industry. Their journey continues, and we look forward to witnessing the impact these bright minds will make as they pursue their dreams in the Agri-food/Agribusiness sectors.

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