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3 May 2023
Company News

Our Commitment to Sustainability

PGW is pleased to release the company’s Sustainability Strategy to 2030 (Te Rautaki mō e Toitūtanga).

PGW Chair, Joo Hai Lee said, “PGW recognises the impact of climate change and believes the agri-sector has an important role in improving production efficiencies and contributing to the reduction in emissions. PGW’s Sustainability Strategy addresses three pillars – focusing on stewardship of our environment, support of our people and communities and corporate citizenship.”

“PGW has developed the following sustainability goals:

  • PGW aims to reduce its operational (scope 1 & 2) emissions by 30% by FY30 from its FY21 baseline.
  • PGW will expand its reporting to cover supply chain (scope 3) emissions, while working with suppliers to reduce emissions and encouraging them to set their own targets.
  • Other targets for PGW include improved energy efficiency across retail stores, improvements in vehicle fleet efficiency, improved utilisation of recycling programmes, cultivating a strong safety and wellbeing culture, and transparency in reporting.”

“The majority of PGW’s operational emissions come from its vehicle fleet and the use of electricity across the substantial network of retail stores across New Zealand. We will continue to implement efficiency initiatives across our store footprint and will also look to transition our vehicle fleet as suitable fit for purpose hybrid and EV options become available that meet our operational requirements.”

“As one of New Zealand’s largest and oldest agribusinesses, PGW recognises it has an important sustainability role to play in influencing its suppliers and assisting its customers in reducing their emissions.”

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