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22 August 2023
Company News

Making a Lasting Difference: PGG Wrightson's Extends Support of IHC Calf & Rural Scheme till 2026

PGG Wrightson continues its unwavering support for the IHC Calf & Rural Scheme, a partnership that has flourished over four decades and continues to make a significant difference in the lives of some of New Zealand's most vulnerable individuals and their families.

Recently, PGG Wrightson proudly announced the renewal of their sponsorship for the IHC Calf & Rural Scheme, committing to another three years of support. This renewal, in 2023, extends the legacy relationship with the IHC to a remarkable span of at least 44 years. Such commitment showcases a dedication to creating positive change that stands the test of time.

Launched in 1982, the IHC Calf & Rural Scheme has grown to be one of New Zealand's most successful charitable programs. Through the years, this rural donation scheme has raised over $41 million for IHC, funds that have made a transformative impact on the lives of those it serves. This programme, driven by rural communities, changes lives and uplifts spirits.


Peter Newbold, General Manager of PGG Wrightson Livestock states, "We're proud of our long association with this fantastic cause…From its origins, the scheme has always been about rural people doing their practical best to support a community need." This reinforces the genuine commitment of farmers who pledge their livestock, with the sale proceeds being donated to the IHC. With many farmers now opting to contribute virtual livestock, making their donations as one-time gifts or monthly commitments.

The monetary contributions generated through this remarkable partnership find their way to numerous avenues of support:

Families and Children: The funds directly aid families and children living with intellectual disabilities, offering them much-needed resources and services tailored to their unique needs.

Volunteer Support: The programme supports an incredible network of 1,000 volunteers across New Zealand, individuals who play a pivotal role in advocating for and assisting those with intellectual disabilities and their families.

Local Volunteer Associations: The funding helps sustain local volunteer associations, empowering them to provide advocacy, support, and connection in communities throughout New Zealand.

Information Hub: IHC maintains New Zealand's most comprehensive library on intellectual disability-related information, enabling education and empowerment for families and professionals alike.

Advocacy and Self-Advocacy: The contributions enable advocacy efforts that amplify the voices and rights of individuals with intellectual disabilities, fostering self-advocacy within this community.


As PGG Wrightson renews its commitment to the IHC Calf & Rural Scheme, the effects of the scheme’s generosity continues to spread across New Zealand. This partnership serves as an example of what can be achieved when corporate entities, rural communities, and charitable organisations unite for a shared vision of support and lasting change.

Click here more information on how to donate an animal.

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