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11 August 2023
Market Commentary

Livestock report: Wet weather affecting North Island markets

 Heavy rain in Waikato and South Auckland has been causing havoc for livestock markets, affecting supply and prices.

PGG Wrighton’s livestock manager for South Auckland, Brad Osborne, said farmers had been doing it tough.

“We’ve got a lot of rain here on the ground and it’s a real struggle at the moment,” he told The Country’s Jamie Mackay.

The wet weather had affected the lamb schedule as well, with rainfall a metre ahead of this time last year.

This had a knock-on effect on prices, which were down $2 per kilo, Osborne said.

“That’s $60 or $70 our farmers aren’t getting at the other end when they’re selling their prime lambs; whether that’s through the sales or through the abattoir.”

While beef hadn’t been as badly affected by the weather, lower prices were still a concern.

“The store cattle prices through the saleyards and through paddock sales are back considerably and that’s just the lack of confidence in that prime space,” Osborne said.

People who bought store lambs for winter finishing had seen significant losses this season as well.

“The outlook is very grim for those people,” Osborne said.

“I just feel really sorry for them because [farmers are] battling the mud [and also] the bellies on the lambs are full of mud.

“They’re just up against it right from the get-go so it’s going to be interesting to see where it all unfolds.”

Osborne said the mid-point schedule had “not been as flash” as predicted which would also be putting financial pressure on farmers.

“I’ve got them in my thoughts at the moment.”

He encouraged anyone doing it tough to keep in touch with PGG Wrightson.

“To [all] our clients out there - we’re here to support you and add any value you can - so get on the phone and give us a bell.”

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